At FAIRWAY, we begin with a Mortgage Analysis Plan. A mortgage is just one piece of your financial picture, and it is important that you have a solid mortgage plan that leaves you room to grow and allows flexibility for life’s unexpected events.
What to Expect
Because each family has different home financing needs, we customize a unique Mortgage Analysis Plan to meet your specific wants and needs. Then we help you integrate the loan program you choose into your long and short term financial goals.
- Schedule a Mortgage Consultation with us to discuss your goals and options (30-45 minutes).
- We create a MAP (Mortgage Analysis Plan) designed around your specific goals and needs.
What We Need From You
In order to pull a credit report, we will need:
- Full Names
- Social Security Numbers
- Home Address & Phone Number
- Copy of W2s and tax returns for the last 2 years.
- Copy of 2 months most recent bank statements (all pages please, even if blank).
One way to provide us with information we need to start your file is to fill out our secure
Online Application.
- Provide all pages of bank and asset statements, even if blank.
- If your statements indicate large deposits we will need to have a paper trail showing where the deposits came from and why.
- Stay current on your existing accounts.
- Opt out from the credit bureau lists at
to protect yourself from potential identity theft and so you aren’t bombarded with unsolicited offers after settlement.
- Don’t worry about rates yet. When you have a MAP that works for you and are ready to take an Application, then together we can begin watching for the best time to lock a rate.
- Don’t provide teller or internet print-outs for bank statements – we cannot use them.
- Don’t apply for new credit when applying for a mortgage. A new debt could change everything.
- Don’t close credit card accounts or consolidate your debts onto one card. This could cause more harm than help to your credit score.
- Don’t overextend yourself. Try to be realistic about what monthly payment you can handle.